
Create your own 3D animation game without any coding 😲

 To create a 3D game without any conding . Mostly this game creation needs only our creativity level . It helps us to find how much knowledge we have for creating games . Now we are no gonna make 3D game but instead we are gonna modify a game from a free source . So for example lets take as a racing game th e spot of the game is desert means we can modify that by adding few more cars or extending the destination or even we can extend the road , so like wise we can modify and find our creativity level . First download the app called " struckd " for playstore . After downloading you will have to log in it before using . You can see more games which is created by other users . Now for creating your own game , at the bottom you can find an option called build . Now a page will be opened , you can find Draft , Published , Templates these options at th top of the page . Then click on Templates , there you can find a lots of templates , you can choose any thing as you wish . Now let me choose City Racer , there you can change anything as you wish even a small samll stuff , even you can change the distance of the road or from where the game should start or where the game should end like wise you can change each and everything . And to add some extra stuff is so simple like drag and drop . Below you can find a plus icon if you click that you can find lots of elements . As per your wish we can place that . After modifying the game , at the right top corner you can see an option as play , if you click that the game will be started . Now you can see an option as Public Single Player if you click that an add will be displayed you can't skip that so wait until it gets over after that it will ask for your game's name and discription . So after that click next . Then you will have to select pictures so select it . Now your game is published . So using this app anyone can play your game . By that you can also earn money . The bestTop 10 Playing games will be displayed in the front page . Every day this panal will be updated . And the best playing games will be promoted each day .

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