
Get a chance to win OnePlus Nord CE 5G


One plus Nord is gonna release a new model One Plus CE 5G. 

For that the pre order has started . They have organised an quiz competition and planned to give away  free mobile phones(One Plus CE 5G) for the Quiz winners. To attend the quiz touch the link ( and win the price .  At the beginning it asks for the camera access so just give allow and when the camera got opened move your phone you will find one phone on the screen then move your phone to  left to right you can find two more phones you  can zoom in and out an see the model of the phone . At the top right corner you can find the battery icon if you click that the battery gets charged and  at the bottom right corner we can see a dail pad though which we can attend the quiz . After that the first question will be asked to you as when did the first Nord launched. After giving the correct answer it will ask for your details like email , name , mobile number, Instagram ID and click on the submit button and that's all your work done.

Watch YouTube video for more information :

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